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right of rescission中文是什么意思

用"right of rescission"造句"right of rescission"怎么读"right of rescission" in a sentence


  • 解约权


  • On consumer ' s rights of rescission
  • In case of temporary impossibility , man should take the way of fictional time to recognize the right of rescission and the claim for damages of creditor , and not take the rule of undue hardship
  • Part focuses on the legal redress concerning a dual trading . the author argues that right of rescission of the specific goods does not go against the original nature of right of rescission
  • Of course , there are some exceptions in discussing the requirements of subrogation objects , this article firstly argues that subrogation is different from object of subrogation , and then thinks that the objects of subrogation should include creditor ' s right in rem right of the real claim subrogation right of rescission right of civil procedure and so on
  • On the exercise of the vendor ' s right of rescission hereunder the vendor shall have the right , if the memorandum of agreement shall have been registered in the land registry or the relevant new territories land registry to register at such land registry or the relevant new territories land registry ( as the case may be ) a memorandum signed by the vendor alone to rescind the sale of the property and / or to vacate the registration of the memorandum of agreement
  • The new system enlarges the efficiency of debt and benefits the order of social economy . the system of debt ' s preservation whose purpose is to prevent the obligor from reducing properties illegally consists of the right of subrogation keeping the obligor ' s properties and the right of rescission returning the obligor ' s properties
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